A structured interview survey was carried out in 150 women who came for their first antenatal visit in a university hospital in Hong Kong between June and July 1998. Their opinions and perceptions of fetal and maternal safeties on different modes of delivery for both cephalic and breech presentation, and external cephalic version (ECV) were surveyed. Their decisions on the management of term breech-presenting pregnancy were examined. Most women (92%) preferred vaginal delivery to Caesarean delivery (CS) in case of cephalic presentation, mainly because it was a natural way of parturition. They perceived that vaginal delivery was safer than CS for both mothers and babies, but the reverse was true for breech presentation. About 82% chose ECV as the first choice of managing breech presentation, mainly because a successful version allowed a natural way of delivery. Only 2% of women considered ECV ineffective, and 13.3% and 18.7% considered it not safe for mothers and fetuses respectively. Therefore, ECV should be an available option in all obstetric units. Adequate counselling and explanation would improve the acceptance of ECV.