An alpha-helical motif containing the sequence LXXLL is required for the ligand-dependent binding of transcriptional co-activators to nuclear receptors. By using a peptide inhibition assay, we have defined the minimal "core" LXXLL motif as an 8-amino acid sequence spanning positions -2 to +6 relative to the primary conserved leucine residue. In yeast two-hybrid assays, core LXXLL motif sequences derived from steroid receptor co-activator (SRC1), the 140-kDa receptor interacting protein (RIP140), and CREB-binding protein (CBP) displayed differences in selectivity and affinity for nuclear receptor ligand binding domains. Although core LXXLL motifs from SRC1 and RIP140 mediated strong interactions with steroid and retinoid receptors, three LXXLL motifs present in the global co-activator CBP were found to have very weak affinity for these proteins. Core motifs with high affinity for steroid and retinoid receptors were generally found to contain a hydrophobic residue at position -1 relative to the first conserved leucine and a nonhydrophobic residue at position +2. Our results indicate that variant residues in LXXLL core motifs influence the affinity and selectivity of co-activators for nuclear receptors.