Local Control and Cosmetic Outcome after Sector Resection with or without Radiation Therapy for Early Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer. 1996 Mar 29;3(1):39-46. doi: 10.1007/BF02966961.


Breast conserving surgery and radiation therapy (RT) can achieve a more favorable cosmetic outcome than mastectomy in patients with early breast cancer. However, it is widely recognized that RT is an impediment to improving the cosmetic outcome. Between 1985 and 1993, 113 patients were enrolled in a prospective randomized study to examine whether or not RT could be avoided following sector resection in patients with Stage I and II (UICC) invasive breast cancer. There was no significant difference in the 8 year local recurrence free survival rate between the RT and non-RT groups (92.3% versus 89.8% respectively). The characteristics of suitable patients would be negative nodes and microscopically negative resection margins. In conclusion, sector resection without RT is a reasonable option for some patients with early breast cancer.