Although population genetic studies have long confirmed the genetic vulnerability of schizophrenia,ongoing advances in molecular genetic technology and biostatistic analysis are only now making it possible to search for the susceptibility gene of the disease. This article reviewed some of the recent findings in this area: (1) The heritability of schizophrenia is estimated around 60%-80%. The phenotype differentiation is based on standard diagnostic scales and symptom rating scales. (2) The two main approaches to finding the genes that influence the disorder are now genomic scan and candidate gene detection. Affected sib-pair (ASP) method and transmission disequilibrium test(TDT) are considered promising analyses. (3) The positive candidate regions with some independent replicable reports concentrated on 6p, 22q and 8p. Positive findings of candidate gene research involved 5-HT2A receptor, DRD3, NT-3, etc. Further directions to identify the susceptibility genes include: Applying more precise instruments to define clinical phenotype of the disease. Application of proper biological markers such as electrophysiologic parameters and brain imaging will be a prospective approach. Using larger sample to increase statistic power and developing more powerful statistic analysis, and performing advanced molecular genetic technique such as DNA pooling, DNA chips, genomic mismatch scanning (GMS), representational difference analysis(RDA), comparative genomic hybridization(CGH) and two-dimensional DNA typing methods will also facilitate this research area to greater perspective.