Whether 2,3-butanedione monoxime (BDM, < or = 5mmol/l) suppresses primarily crossbridge cycling or total Ca(2+) handling in the blood-perfused whole heart remains controversial. Although BDM seems to suppress primarily total Ca(2+) handling in canine hearts, more evidence is lacking. We therefore analyzed the cardiac mechanoenergetics, namely, E(max) (contractility), PVA (total mechanical energy), and O(2) consumption of canine BDM-treated hearts by our recently developed integrative method to assess myocardial total Ca(2+) handling. This method additionally required the internal Ca(2+) recirculation fraction. We obtained this from the beat constant of the exponential decay component of the postextrasystolic potentiation. Our analysis indicated significant decreases in both internal Ca(2+) recirculation fraction and total Ca(2+) handling in the BDM-treated heart, but virtually no change in the reactivity of E(max) to total Ca(2+) handling. This result corroborates the view that BDM suppresses primarily total Ca(2+) handling rather than crossbridge cycling in the canine blood-perfused heart.