Objectives: To reveal increased lipid peroxidation in diabetics by quantification of cholesterol oxidation products (COPs) not only in plasma, but also in erythrocytes.
Design and methods: We quantified 7-ketocholesterol (7-kCho) by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry as a surrogate measure for COPs. These assays were performed on both plasma and erythrocytes in 20 control subjects and 20 treated patients with relatively poorly controlled Type 2 diabetes.
Results: Both plasma and erythrocyte 7-kCho levels in diabetics were significantly higher than those in control subjects. Although neither plasma nor erythrocyte 7-kCho levels were associated with markers for glucose tolerance in diabetics, a negative correlation of serum HDL-cholesterol levels with erythrocyte, but not plasma, 7-kCho levels was found.
Conclusion: Increased oxidative stress in diabetics affects oxidation of cholesterol. Assays of COPs not only in plasma, but also in erythrocytes, may yield complementary information in lipid peroxidation.