A 54-year-old woman, who had underwent an adjuvant radiotherapy following the modified radical mastectomy in the left primary breast cancer in June 1988. She underwent second surgery and adjuvant radiotherapy (electronic radiotherapy) for recurrent breast cancer in the major pectoral muscle and received chemoimmunotherapy in May 1989. In May 1996 she complained of two ulcers of the chest wall. The ulcer biopsy findings was squamous cell carcinoma, and we diagnosed she fell the radiation-induced skin cancer. She underwent chest wall resection and reconstruction with vertical rectal abdominal musculocutaneous flap (VRAM). However two months later her chest wall resection, she again got the recurrent squamous cell carcinoma in the right axillary lymph nodes and left pleura. The third radiotherapy and the chemotherapy with pepleomycin were uneffective on her recurrent cancer. And she died in March 1997.