The authors present the case of a 58 years old male patient. According to his preceding record in 1991 he suffered speech disturbance and left-side hemiparesis due to multiplex vascular lesions. A fresh cerebral ictus caused a right side hemiparesis mainly in the upper limb in 1993 and sensomotororic aphasia has also been developed. In 1995 the patient was begun acute haemodialysis treatment due to his gravis uremic state, then his dialysis was continued 3 times 4 hours weekly. In 1997 the then 56 years old inveterate right-sided hemiparetic patient, treated with chronic haemodialysis requested to be put on the transplantation waiting list. The first thing that had to be done in case of this high-risk patient was the resection of the abdominal aortic aneurysm (38 mm x 67 mm x 115 mm in size) noticed at the ultrasound examination which was carried out in January 1997. The continuity of the vessel was secured by graft-interposition where the arteria mesenterica was also implanted. Following the successful operation, the patient was qualified for the transplantation list and in the February of 1998 a successful kidney-transplantation was carried out. Following the temporary, post-transplantation difficulties (post-operative 5th day acute rejection well-reacting to 3 steroid-shots; the two re-operations due to partial necrosis in the uretero-ureteralis anastomosis and successfully overcoming the Pseudomonas aeruginosa uroinfection) the patient is currently doing well and has no complaint.