In evaluations of adjuvant chemotherapy with oral anticancer agents, compliance in taking the drug as prescribed (compliance), adverse reactions, and feasibility are important factors in setting the dose. A weekday-on/weekend-off schedule, in which 600 mg/day of UFT was taken for 5 consecutive days and not taken on the following 2 days, was carried out as a postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy for one year in 87 patients with colorectal cancer who had undergone potentially curative resection. The prescribed dose and the dose of ingestion confirmed by physician interview were both highly consistent with the dose of ingestion according to the patients' self reports, with consistency rates of more than 94% for both. Relative performance (RP) yielded a value of 0.72, and individual dose intensity (IDI) yielded 0.8 on average. Female gender, low body weight, and low body surface area were factors that negatively affected feasibility. None of the adverse reactions was serious. Based on the feasibility and adverse reactions, the dosage of UFT should be set according to the body surface area at 375-425 mg/m2/day. When this schedule is used as one arm of a controlled study, it is suggested that the dose should be decided with 400 mg/m2 as a guideline.