In clinical follow-up studies after radiosurgery, imaging modalities such as computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging are used. Accurate determination of the residual lesion volume is necessary for realistic assessment of the effects of treatment. Usually, the diameters rather than the volume of the lesion are measured. To determine the lesion volume without using stereotactically defined images, the software program VOLUMESERIES has been developed. VOLUMESERIES is a personal computer-based image analysis tool. Acquired DICOM CT scans and MR image series can be visualized. The region of interest is contoured with the help of the mouse, and then the system calculates the volume of the contoured region and the total volume is given in cubic centimeters. The defined volume is also displayed in reconstructed sagittal and coronal slices. In addition, distance measurements can be performed to measure tumor extent. The accuracy of VOLUMESERIES was checked against stereotactically defined images in the Leksell GammaPlan treatment planning program. A discrepancy in target volumes of approximately 8% was observed between the two methods. This discrepancy is of lesser interest because the method is used to determine the course of the target volume over time, rather than the absolute volume. Moreover, it could be shown that the method was more sensitive than the tumor diameter measurements currently in use. VOLUMESERIES appears to be a valuable tool for assessing residual lesion volume on follow-up images after gamma knife radiosurgery while avoiding the need for stereotactic definition.