The Synthesis of CP-263,114 and CP-225,917: Striking Long-Range Stereocontrol in the Fashioning of C7 Financial support was provided by the National Institutes of Health (Grant nos. CA-28824 and HL-25848 for S.J.D., CA-08748 for the Sloan-Kettering Institute Core Facility). Q.T. gratefully acknowledges the US Department of Defense for a postdoctoral fellowship (U.S. Army grant no. DAMD-17-99-1-9373). We thank the Pfizer Corporation, particularly Dr. T. Kaneko and Dr. T. T. Dabrah for discussions and for providing valuable CP samples from fermentation broth. We are grateful to Dr. Dongfang Meng for his major contributions to this work. We also thank George Sukenick of the Sloan-Kettering Institute Core Facility for mass spectral analyses and assistance in NMR spectroscopic and HPLC analyses, and Sylvi Rusli for mass spectral analyses
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2000 Dec 15;39(24):4509-4511.