We established a mouse rising dbl quote, left (low)primary tumor resection model" in which a transplanted tumor was resected after an orthotopic transplantation of colorectal cancer tissue to estimate the therapeutic effect of an angiogenesis inhibitor on metastasis. The angiogenesis inhibitor FR-118487 is a member of the fumagillin family. Here, 1 mg / kg / day of FR-118487 was subcutaneously administered to nude mice for 1 week, 2 weeks, or 4 weeks through an osmotic pump. Liver metastasis developed in 7 of 9 control mice, 2 of 6 mice that underwent the tumor resection 2 weeks after transplantation (early resection), and in all 7 of the mice that underwent the tumor resection 4 weeks after transplantation (late resection). In the short treatment trial, the FR-118487 administration immediately after the early resection completely inhibited both hepatic and peritoneal metastases, whereas its administration after the late resection had no effect on liver metastasis. In the prolonged treatment trial, inhibitory effects of prolonged treatment with FR-118487 on both hepatic and peritoneal metastases after the late resection were clearly demonstrated. The mice of the resection-alone group all died within 106 days after tumor inoculation, due to metastases of colon carcinoma. In contrast, half of the mice that underwent resection and then received antiangiogenic therapy were alive at the end of the observation period (160 days after transplantation). In conclusion, the combination of surgery and subsequent antiangiogenic therapy may be useful to prevent the distant metastasis of colorectal cancer and to improve the prognosis of patients with colorectal cancer.