Angiogenesis is an important component in many biological processes and also in pathologic conditions including neoplastic diseases. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a secreted endothelial cell-specific growth factor, which is induced by tissue hypoxia and is angiogenic in vivo. Adrenal gland is a well-vascularized organ, and the roles of VEGF in normal adrenal and in adrenal tumorigenesis is not well characterized. We therefore investigated VEGF mRNA expression in normal human adrenals and in cultured adrenocortical cells. VEGF mRNA was constantly expressed in normal adrenals as well as in cultured adrenocortical cells. The mRNA levels were increased after 24h stimulation with either ACTH or cAMP. The effect of cAMP was dose-dependent. This suggests that ACTH-induced VEGF mRNA expression is mediated via protein kinase A dependent pathway.