Objective: To analyze the CT appearance of papillary renal cell tumor (pRCT) under consideration of gross pathology.
Material and methods: Preoperative CT-scans of 10 patients suffering from pRCT were re-evaluated by two experienced radiologists. CT appearance was correlated to gross morphology.
Results: On CT, 9/10 tumors were depicted as rounded, well circumscribed and sharply delineated masses. These tumors presented a hypodense central area correlating to necrosis in gross pathology. The central area of necrosis was surrounded by vital tumor tissue, presenting as a serpiginous, contrast-enhancing margin on CT. One tumor was polycyclic due to multiple tumor nodules, but sharply demarcated towards the surrounding renal tissue.
Conclusions: pRCT presents a quite unique CT appearance similar to its gross pathology.