After completion of the (Validation of Environmental Model Predictions) (VAMP) and (BIOspheric Model Validation Study) (BIOMOVS II) Programmes, the Division of Radiation and Waste Safety of the IAEA decided to promote a new co-ordinated research programme to continue activities in the area of biosphere modelling. As a result, the BIOMASS Programme on BIOsphere Modelling and ASSessment was launched in Vienna in October 1996. The Programme is scheduled to finish in October 2000. The overall objective of BIOMASS is to provide an international focal point in the area of biosphere assessment modelling. There are 3 Themes and 11 working groups in BIOMASS. The objective of the Theme 3 Fruits Working Group is to improve understanding of the uptake and transfer of radionuclides from different sources to fruit. As part of the work programme, a review was undertaken of the experimental, field and modelling information on the transfer of radionuclides to fruit.