Nowadays organ transplantation is a life-saving procedure, or anyhow it can considerably improve the life quality of patients suffering from irreversible organ impairment. Monitoring transplantation outcome is the last step of a long process that starts with cadaver donor identification, selection and clinical management, and continues with organ allocation, patient evaluation, surgical operation and clinical follow-up. The National Transplantation Committee has been discussing many of these items and, in 1995, it set up two protocols, one on liver exchange for urgent patients and the other on transplantation in the pediatric patient. The protocols application has met many difficulties, mainly due to the uneven behaviours of the different inter-regional organizations. In this paper we comment on the two main aspects to be submitted to the next National Committee: organ allocation and transplantation outcome. As far as the last point is concerned, the enclosed data are based on the experience of the North Italy Transplant program (NITp), and on that of the major international registries. Without any doubt these data demontrate that organ transplantation is to be ascribed among the successes of medicine in the just closed century.