In the treatment of infants with acute diarrhoea complicated by mild to moderate dehydration, there is a great importance of rapid rehydration over 3-4 hours with oral rehydration solution containing 60 mmol/l sodium and then the rapid reintroduction of normal diet or breast feeding which should be continued all the time if possible. The pharmacological treatment of diarrhoea is not justified. In the present study which was part of a European multicentre survey using questionnaires the authors analysed how the recommendation of European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition are followed in Hungary. It was evaluated 131 returned questionnaires, 80 of primary care and 51 of hospital-based pediatricians. The overwhelming majority of pediatricians (92%) recommended the oral rehydration at the beginning of treatment. The four fifth of them use the ORS with recommended composition. Only 31% of them use rapid oral rehydration over 3-4 hours. Merely 10% of them suggest the early reintroduction of normal feeding after the oral rehydration, while more than half of the respondent pediatricians (52%) think that temporarily the use of lactose free formula is justified. It is a very favourable fact that 84% of doctors recommend the continuation of breast feeding. Some kind of drugs for the treatment of diarrhoea is suggested by 15% of repliers. On the base of results it is obvious that the guidelines for the treatment of acute diarrhoea in infancy is complied only partially in Hungary and the reintroduction of normal feeding is delayed.