W-band (95 GHz) pulsed EPR and electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopic techniques were used to determine the hyperfine couplings of different protons of Cu(II)-histidine complexes in frozen solutions. The results were then used to obtain the coordination mode of the tridentate histidine molecule and to serve as a reference for Cu(II)-histidine complexation in other, more complex systems. Cu(II) complexes with L-histidine and DL-histidine-alpha-d,beta-d2 were prepared in H2O and in D2O, and orientation-selective W-band 1H and 2H pulsed ENDOR spectra of these complexes were recorded at 4.5 K. These measurements lead to the unambiguous assignment of the signals of the H alpha, H beta, imidazole H epsilon, and the exchangeable amino, Ham, protons. The 14N superhyperfine splitting observed in the X-band EPR spectrum and the presence of only one type of H alpha and H beta protons in the W-band ENDOR spectra show that the complex is a symmetric bis complex. Its g parallel is along the molecular symmetry axis, perpendicular to the equatorial plane that consists of four coordinated nitrogens in histamine-like coordinations (NNNN). Simulations of orientation-selective ENDOR spectra provided the principal components of the protons' hyperfine interaction and the orientation of their principal axes with respect to g parallel. From the anisotropic part of the hyperfine interaction of H alpha and H beta and applying the point-dipole approximation, a structural model was derived. An unexpectedly large isotropic hyperfine coupling, 10.9 MHz, was found for H alpha. In contrast, H alpha of the Cu(II)-1-methyl-histidine complex where only the amino nitrogen is coordinated, showed a much smaller coupling. Thus, the hyperfine coupling of H alpha can serve as a signature for a histamine coordination where both the amino and imino nitrogens of the same molecule bind to the Cu(II), forming a six-membered chelating ring. Unlike H alpha the hyperfine coupling of H epsilon is not as sensitive to the presence of a coordinated amino nitrogen of the same histidine molecule.