A 36-year-old woman, gravid 3, para 1, abortus 1, was admitted to our department at 10 weeks and 4 days of gestation with the diagnosis of cervical pregnancy and multiple uterine fibroids. After admission she underwent angiographic embolization of bilateral uterine arteries followed by intraamniotic 70-mg methotrexate injection. Despite being given a second dose of methotrexate injection 1 week later, the gestational sac did not resolve spontaneously, thus vacuum evacuation and curettage of the cervical canal was required on the 15th day of embolization. The patient was discharged in good condition. She had no complaints by post-operative at month 11, except amenorrhea. Her uterine fibroids markedly decreased in size after the procedure. As a result, embolization of uterine arteries provided surgical evacuation of cervical pregnancy with minimal hemorrhage, and the patient's potential fertility was preserved, but a long-term amenorrhea was observed.