As more and more intramuscular electromyogram (EMG) decomposition programs are being developed, there is a growing need for evaluating and comparing their performances. One way to achieve this goal is to generate synthetic EMG signals having known features. Features of interest are: the number of channels acquired (number of detection surfaces), the number of detected motor unit action potential (MUAP) trains, their time-varying firing rates, the degree of shape similarity among MUAPs belonging to the same motor unit (MU) or to different MUs, the degree of MUAP superposition, the MU activation intervals, the amount and type of additive noise. A model is proposed to generate one or more channels of intramuscular EMG starting from a library of real MUAPs represented in a 16-dimensional space using their Associated Hermite expansion. The MUAP shapes, regularity of repetition rate, degree of superposition, activation intervals, etc. may be time variable and are described quantitatively by a number of parameters which define a stochastic process (the model) with known statistical features. The desired amount of noise may be added to the synthetic signal which may then be processed by the decomposition algorithm under test to evaluate its capability of recovering the signal features.