A 3-year-old boy was diagnosed with CHARGE association on the basis of bilateral choanal atresia, absence of the semicircular canals, hypoplastic cochleae, genital hypoplasia, growth and developmental delays, cranial nerve dysfunction, and facial anomalies. Ophthalmologic and cardiac evaluations were normal. He was found to have an apparently balanced t(2;7)(p14;q21.11) chromosomal translocation. Parental karyotypes were normal. Although there is evidence suggesting a genetic basis for CHARGE association, individuals with chromosomal abnormalities and CHARGE are rare. In the described patient, the presence of characteristic CHARGE features suggests that the t(2;7)(p14;q21.11) translocation breakpoints may cause a deletion or disruption of genes within the involved regions that are involved in the generation of the CHARGE association phenotype.
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