DIVERSE KIDNEY DISORDERS: Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who develop nephropathy can have various types of disorders capable of progressively destroying the kidneys. It is now clear that the same type of diffuse or nodular glomerulosclerosis develops irrespective of the type of diabetes, i.e. the pathophysiology of hyperglycemia. HETEROGENEITY: There is however a certain degree of heterogeneity in terms of clinical presentation, clinical course and response to treatment. Heterogeneity is due to age, the number of different accumulated risk factors and disease states, genetic factors that are in the process of being identified, and finally, lesions to the urologic apparatus, the arteries, and the renal parenchyma itself that are not directly caused by diabetes. PRACTICAL IMPACT: Mixed lesions, due to both diabetic and non-diabetic causes, may therefore exist in the same kidney. These different possibilities should be systematically considered in order to adopt an individualized investigative and therapeutic attitude for each new patient.