Luteinizing hormone (LH) is an hypophyseal glycoprotein involved in both follicular maturation and corpus luteum function. During the follicular phase, effects of LH must be considered according to the stages of follicular development: in the early follicular phase, LH acts through specific receptors, constitutively present on thecal cells, for stimulating androgen production. Androgens seem to be positively involved in the folliculogenesis in primates. Indeed, a positive correlation has been recently established between androgen receptor expression and follicular cell proliferation. Furthermore, androgens are active through a conversion to estrogens in granulosa cells. Estrogens are needed for achieving pregnancy. Thus, a question remains: what in the minimal amount of endogenous LH required for an optimal production of oestradiol? Several models have been investigated in clinical situations with hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism: WHO type I anovulation or GnRH analog-induced hypogonadisms. A large majority of these studies conclude that the minimal amount of LH needed during the follicular phase is probably low (< 1.5 IU/L of plasma LH level). Recent availability of GnRH antagonist will give a new opportunity for evaluating this minimal LH threshold. During the late follicular phase, LH plays a biphasic role, with a positive effect on steroidogenesis but a negative effect on cell proliferation. As suggested by S. Hillier, this negative effect on cell proliferation may be relevant to control the rate of follicular growth. One study, performed in WHO type I anovulatory patients, seems to confirm this assumption but further evaluation is needed to give support to this concept. Finally, LH is also involved in corpus luteum function. Due to the short half-life of LH as compared to hCG, the role of LH must be evaluated according to the adjunct therapies. For example, following a long-term GnRH aganist administration that constantly induces a profound hypophyseal desensitization, LH administration must be repeated to adequately sustain the corpus luteum function. This conclusion must be reconsidered with the recent introduction of GnRH antagonists. Indeed, according to their short-term effects on LH secretion, it may be presumed that a single injection of LH may be effective to maintain an adequate corpus luteum function.