In order to identify cell surface proteins that interact with the amyloid precursor protein (APP), we biotinylated H4 human neuroglioma cells in culture with a water soluble biotinylating agent, immunoprecipitated APP with an antibody specific to the intracellular domain, and probed the precipitated proteins with anti-biotin. In human neuroglioma cells overexpressing APP751, we found a high molecular weight protein that immunoprecipitated with APP. This band was identified as the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) by three criteria: first, the band immunolabeled with anti-LRP antibodies; second, the band bound the LRP receptor associated protein, RAP; and third, this band was present in LRP-expressing fibroblasts, but not LRP-deficient fibroblasts. In complementary experiments, we found that APP co-precipitated with LRP, with a preference for an isoform of APP containing the Kunitz protease inhibitor domain. Interaction of APP and LRP on the surface of living cells was demonstrated by crosslinking APP and LRP with the water-soluble cross-linking agent BS(3). APP and LRP were shown by confocal microscopy to colocalize in perinuclear structures, but to primarily remain separate in vesicles and on the cell surface. We propose that full-length APP can transiently interact with the receptor LRP on the cell surface, affecting the processing and intracellular transport of APP.