Hox genes encode a set of evolutionarily conserved transcription factors that regulate anteroposterior patterning mechanisms in insects and vertebrates and are expressed along this axis in a range of bilaterians. Here we present the developmental expression of a Scr/Hox5 gene in the gastropod mollusc Haliotis. In Haliotis, embryogenesis yields a non-feeding trochophore larva that subsequently develops into the veliger larva, which possesses many of the characteristics of the adult body plan. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis reveals that this gene, which is called Hru-Hox5, is first expressed in the trochophore larva. Hru-Hox5 transcript prevalence increases continually through larval development until metamorphic competence develops in the veliger and then again over the first four days of metamorphosis. In situ hybridization reveals that larval expression of Hru-Hox5 is restricted primarily to the primordial and newly formed branchial ganglia, located between the anterior cerebral-pleuropedal ganglionic complex and the posterior visceral ganglia. The expression of Hru-Hox5 in the central region of the abalone CNS is similar to that observed for its orthologue (Lox20) in the leech, suggesting that Hox5 genes were used, along with other Hox genes, to pattern the CNS of the ancestral spiralian lophotrochozoan.