Since many isoforms of adenylyl cyclase and adenosine 3', 5'-monophosphate (cAMP) phosphodiesterase have been cloned, it is likely that receptors of each hormone have a specific combination of these isoforms. Types I, III and VIII adenylyl cyclases are reported to be stimulated by Ca(2+)-calmodulin, type I phosphodiesterase by Ca(2+)-calmodulin, but types IV and VII (cAMP-specific) phosphodiesterases by Co2+. In the present study, we examined different effects of Ca2+ and Co2+ on hormone-induced cAMP response in the isolated perfused rat liver.The removal of Ca2+ from the perfusion medium (0 mM CaCl(2 ) + 0.5 mM EGTA) did not affect glucagon (0.1 nM)-responsive cAMP but reduced secretin (1 nM)-, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP, 1-10 nM)- and forskolin (1 microM)-responsive cAMP considerably. The addition of 1 mM CoCl2 reduced glucagon- and secretin-responsive cAMP considerably, forskolin-responsive cAMP partly, did not affect 1 nM VIP-responsive cAMP, but enhanced 10 nM VIP-responsive cAMP. Forskolin- and VIP-responsive cAMP was greater in the combination (0 mM CaCl(2) + 0.5 mM EGTA + 3 mM CoCl2) than in the Ca(2+)-free perfusion alone. These results suggest that secretin, VIP1 and VIP2 receptors are linked to Ca(2+)-calmodulin-sensitive adenylyl cyclase; glucagon receptor to Ca(2+)-calmodulin-insensitive adenylyl cyclase; VIP1 receptor to Ca(2+)-calmodulin-dependent phosphodiesterase; glucagon, secretin and VIP2 receptors to cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase, respectively, in the rat liver.