Gastric cancers that produce alpha feto protein (AFP) usually have a poor prognosis. We report an AFP-producing gastric cancer that showed a partial response to low-dose CPT-11 and low-dose cisplatin combination chemotherapy. AFP-producing gastric cancers successfully treated with chemotherapy have been reported, but to our knowledge this is the first report of successful treatment with low-dose CPT-11 and low-dose cisplatin combination chemotherapy.
Case: A 49 year-old woman who had gastric cardiac cancer with esophageal invasion was admitted to our institution. Since AFP-positive cells were demonstrated immunohistochemically in biopsy specimens and levels of AFP in serum were high, AFP-producing cancer was diagnosed. Because of metastasis to Virchow's node and the paraaortic lymph nodes, the tumor was considered unresectable. The patient's poor general condition necessitated chemotherapy with low toxicity and high efficacy. She was treated with low-dose CPT-11 and low-dose cisplatin combination chemotherapy. After two cycles of this treatment, the tumor volume and the serum levels of AFP had decreased markedly. The only side effect of the treatment was leukopenia.