Objective: To investigate the biologic manner of intravenous uterine myoma and the clinical management.
Methods: Analysed 11 cases of intravenous leiomyoma retrospectively from 1994 to 1998, of which all specimens of intravenous leiomyoma were confirmed by pathologic examination. The estrogen receptor was measured by immunohistochemistry.
Results: Nine patients (81.8%) presented menorrhagia, two patients (18.2%) appeared anemia. The size of uterus more than three pregnancy months was seen in seven cases (63.6%), of which six patients (6/7) showed uterine multiple nodule and abundant blood flow by ultrasound compared with those whose uterine size smaller than three pregnancy months (P > 0.05). The correct diagnosis before operation was 0 percent, 63.6% of the patients was diagnosed during operation (P < 0.05). Seven patients (63.6%) had classical pathological appearance of intravenous leiomyoma. Positive estrogen receptors were detected in six patients. One patient (9.1%) was recurred.
Conclusions: Uterine intravenous leiomyoma has typical clinical and pathologic feature. The adverse biologic manner and the clinical treatment are related to prognosis.