Objective: To examine the bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation into DNA of thyroid follicular cells (TFC) in the remaining thyroid lobe after hemithyroidectomy (hemiTx) in 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks time after surgery.
Methods: The experiment was performed on male Wistar rats. The Cell Proliferation Kit (Amersham, UK) was used in order to detect the incorporated BrdU. The BrdU incorporation was expressed as a BrdU labeling index (BrdULI; a number of BrdU-immunopositive TFC per 1000 TFC).
Results: 1. No statistically significant changes of BrdULI were observed between the particular groups of sham-operated (shamTx)-rats in 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks time after surgery, and in comparison of each of them to the controls (at time "0"); 2. In the first 2-week period after hemiTx, an increasing effect of that surgical procedure on BrdULI value was observed (the highest BrdULI value was detected 2 weeks after hemiTx); 3. In the third and fourth week after hemiTx, a decrease of BrdULI value was observed, as compared to BrdULI groups (in 1- and 2-week time after hemiTx), and to the controls (at time "0"); 4. An increase of weight of contralateral lobe was shown in 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks after hemiTx in comparison to thyroid lobe weight in intact rats.
Conclusions: During the first 2 weeks after hemiTx, the thyroid growth in the remaining thyroid lobe seems to ensue by hyperplasia mechanisms. The thyroid growth processes during subsequent 2 weeks (3rd and 4th) could result from other mechanisms - for example, from hypertrophy.