The benefit effects of nitric oxide (NO) donors in acute heart failure have led to the development of vasodilators as treatment of chronic heart failure. However, the mechanisms involved in the effects of NO are complex and still discussed. In chronic heart failure, the eNOS downregulation in vascular endothelium explains the alteration of endothelial function. In addition, in the myocardium, cytokines induce the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) which increase NO production by myocytes and surrounding cells. This excess of NO production, associated with anion superoxide synthesis, limits the inotropic properties of catecholamines and exert proapoptotic effects. The role of NO donors in heart failure treatment is still controversial but by reducing preload they improve patient's symptoms. Beside blockade of the renin-angiotensin system, the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors act via the inhibition of bradykinin degradation which increase NO levels. Finally, vascular endothelial NO expression is improved by exercise training and participates in the improvement of exercise capacity in patients with chronic heart failure involved in cardiac readaptation program.