Aims: To measure the frequency of syringe borrowing in young Irish injecting drug users (IDUs) and identify associated characteristics.
Design: Cross-sectional survey.
Setting: Addiction treatment services in Dublin.
Participants: Treated IDUs (N = 246).
Measurements: Data on drug injecting and syringe borrowing in the previous 6 months.
Findings: The median age was 22 years and the median length of injecting history was 19 months. Syringe borrowing was reported by 173 (70.3%) participants. A multivariate analysis identified seven characteristics significantly associated with syringe borrowing. These included early school leaving and parental unemployment. IDUs with long injecting histories who had injected less frequently were more likely to borrow. Injection of more than one substance was significantly associated with borrowing of syringes. Syringe borrowing was associated with having more intimate social relationships with other IDUs, less perceived risk in borrowing from acquaintances and usually opting to inject in the company of other IDUs.
Conclusions: Syringe borrowing is commonly practised by young IDUs. Those with a background of social deprivation are more likely to engage in this risk behaviour. IDUs who report borrowing are more intimately involved with other IDUs and tend to perceive less risk or dangerousness in borrowing. In addition to syringe exchange, there is a need to work cognitively with IDUs to identify and challenge assumptions that they may have regarding the safety involved in borrowing from others, particularly from those with whom they have close social relationships.