After deposition to foliage, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) may remain on the leaf surface, accumulate in the cuticular wax, or diffuse into the remaining interior of the plant. In a field study, the location of deposited PAHs in the leaves of two Plantago species was determined. To this aim, leaves of Plantago major and Plantago media were divided into three fractions. First, the leaves were washed (wash-off fraction), then cuticular wax was extracted (wax fraction). Finally, the remaining leaf material was extracted (interior fraction). The presence of PAHs could be demonstrated in all three fractions. For both plants, the distribution of PAHs over the three fractions changed with molecular weight (mol wt) of the PAHs. The wash-off fraction increased with increasing molecular weight, likely because high molecular-weight PAHs occur predominantly bound to particles, which can be readily washed off from the leaves. In contrast, the amount of PAHs detected in the interior of the leaves decreased with increasing molecular weight. This can be explained by a slow desorption of the PAHs from the particles and a low diffusion rate of the larger molecules. This study shows that washing reduces the amount of high molecular-weight PAHs on plant surfaces. Therefore, washing of leafy vegetables is important to minimize human dietary intake of PAHs.