The distribution of mGlu1 alpha receptor and tubulin was immunocytochemically examined in the rat cerebellar cortex and primary rat cortical neurons at both immunofluorescence and electron microscopic level. In cryosections from rat cerebellar cortex mGlu1 alpha receptor immunoreactivity was expressed in cell bodies and dendrites of Purkinje and basket cells of the cerebellar molecular layer. Tubulin immunoreactivity was concentrated in the dendritic tree of the cerebellar molecular layer, as well as in the granule cell layer. In primary rat cortical neurons, both proteins colocalized throughout the proximal and distal dendrites of these cells. At the electron microscopic level, the receptor was present in dendritic shafts and dendritic spines of Purkinje cells at perisynaptic sites of asymmetrical synapses. Immunoreactivity corresponding to tubulin was associated with the plasma membrane of dendritic shafts of Purkinje cells, as well as throughout its cytoplasm as part of the cytoskeletal components. Interestingly, double labeling for both proteins reveals an association of tubulin with mGlu1 alpha receptor at the plasma membrane level of dendritic shafts of Purkinje cells. This suggests that tubulin interacts with mGlu1 alpha receptor and may be involved in the anchoring of the receptor to the plasma membrane.