In the paper the authors present the evaluation of head and neck rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) treatment in 14 children admitted to Pediatric Institute in the past 25 years. The treatment was related to the stage of the neoplasm at the time of diagnosis and consisted in the surgical intervention combined with chemo- and radiotherapy. Embryonal stage was diagnosed in 10 children (71.4%) and alveolar stage in 4 children (28.6%). In the analysed material primary neoplastic changes were found: in 6 cases in the orbit, in 2 cases in the maxillary sinus and nasal cavity, in 2 cases in the mandible. We noted also 1 case in each of the following structures: the nasopharynx, the palate, the pterygoideo-palatal fossa, the neck. In the years 1973-1991--7 children were treated according to the IRS I and II projects. Three of the children presented with the third stage of neoplastic disease and the rest with the second. Between the years 1991-1997--7 other children were hospitalized and underwent treatment based on CWS-91 project. Six of them showed the third stage of neoplasm, and only one--the first. The performed analysis revealed the insignificant improvement in the effectiveness of the treatment after the introduction of the CWS-91 project.