Population genetic data on Gagauzes from Moldavia are reported here for the first time. AB0 and Rhesus blood groups, serum protein group (HP, TF, GC) and the red cell enzyme polymorphism PGM1 were determined in 190 Gagauzes. In addition to this the ability to taste PTC was tested. The following allele frequencies were found: AB0*0 = 0.5241, AB0*A = 0.3279, AB0*B = 0.1480; RH*D = 0.6083, RH*d = 0.3917; HP*1 = 0.3544, HP*2 = 0.6456; TF*C1 = 0.7472, TF*C2 = 0.1770, TF*C3 = 0.0730, TF*B = 0.0028; GC*1F = 0.1025, GC*1S = 0.5932, GC*2 = 0.3043; PGM*1+ = 0.5932; PGM*1- = 0.1000, PGM*2+ = 0.2607, PGM*2- = 0.1107. The frequency of the PTC*T allele was found to be 0.5298. These frequencies and genetic distance analyses show that the gene pool of the Gagauzes is similar to that of neighbouring southeastern European populations.