A total of 490 canine faecal specimens collected in the eastern and northern regions of Hungary were examined for helminth eggs. From the results it appears that more than 50% of the dogs were infected with at least one parasite species. The prevalence of eggs (%) in the two regions was as follows: Toxocara canis (24.3-30.1); Trichuris vulpis (20.4-23.3); Ancylostomatidae (8.1-13.1); Capillaria spp. (0-7.3); Toxascaris leonina (2.1-0); Taenia-type (2.8-2.4); Dipylidium caninum (0.4-1); coccidia (3.5-3.4). Of the positive dogs, 8.5-18.1% harboured two or more species of parasites. The prevalence of parasitic infection was also evaluated according to the maintenance, feeding, and age of the animals. The significance of zoonotic diseases (echinococcosis, toxocarosis, ancylostomatidosis) caused by intestinal helminths makes it necessary to know the infection status of domestic dogs and to take measures for control.