Introduction: Rapid innovations and improvements in communication technologies have opened many new channels for health education and delivery, as well as disaster management. Theme 2 examined the role and applicability of these technologies to Disaster Medicine and Management and the various issues involved in their use.
Methods: Details of the methods used are provided in the introductory paper. The chairs moderated all presentations and produced a summary that was presented to an assembly of all of the delegates. The chairs then presided over a workshop that resulted in the generation of a set Action Plans that then were reported to the collective group of all delegates.
Results: Main points developed during the presentations and discussion included harnessing convergence, seeking interoperability, building partnerships and making it appropriate. This group identified four Principles of Action underlying its plan: (1) investigate possibilities, (2) identify stakeholders, (3) invite participation, and (4) involve discussants in activities.
Discussion: Action plans were categorized into three areas that included "thinking globally, acting regionally", forming a telehealth advisory group, and increasing corporate partnerships.
Conclusions: Technology is opening many opportunities that have applications in disaster management. To optimize benefits, goals and standards must be agreed upon and implemented.