1. The aim of the present study was to determine whether anti-oxidant therapy with vitamin E and/or cholesterol-lowering therapy with simvastatin would augment resting forearm blood flow (FBF) and metabolic vasodilation in response to exercise and improve endothelial function in young patients with hypercholesterolaemia. 2. Endothelium-dependent and -independent, nitric oxide (NO)-mediated vasodilation have been shown to be impaired in young, otherwise healthy subjects with hypercholesterolaemia. Recent experimental and clinical studies suggest that vascular function may be improved with anti-oxidant or cholesterol- lowering therapy, although these treatments may be synergistic. 3. We compared FBF at rest, in response to isotonic exercise, the endothelium-dependent vasodilator acetylcholine (ACh), the endothelium-independent vasodilator sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and the NO synthase inhibitor NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA) in 26 young, otherwise healthy volunteers (mean (+/-SD) age 29+/-7 years; 14 female, 12 male) with hypercholesterolaemia, before and after 6 months treatment with vitamin E, simvastatin and/or placebo. Treatment was randomized, double-blinded in a 2 x 2 factorial design. Forearm blood flow was measured using venous occlusion plethysmography. 4. Vitamin E therapy increased plasma alpha-tocopherol from 39.5+/-9.6 to 75.7+/-33.8 micromol/L (P < 0.001). Simvastatin reduced total cholesterol from 6.9+/-1.7 to 4.9+/-0.8 mmol/L and low- density lipoprotein (LDL) from 4.8+/-1.7 to 3.0+/-0.7 mmol/L (both P < 0.001), although total and LDL-cholesterol also decreased slightly in the placebo group. Vitamin E increased resting FBF from 2.1+/-0.3 to 2.4+/-0.3 mL/100 mL per min (P = 0.04) and decreased resting forearm vascular resistance from 42.1+/-4.2 to 36.1+/-3.4 units (P = 0.01), but the reduction in resting FBF with L-NMMA was not affected. Vasodilation in response to isotonic exercise, ACh and SNP was similar before and after treatment in the placebo, vitamin E, simvastatin and in the combined vitamin E-simvastatin groups. NG-Monomethyl-L-arginine infusion reduced resting FBF and functional hyperaemia in response to exercise and these responses were not altered by treatment. 5. These data suggest that while vitamin E therapy augments resting FBF and reduces forearm vascular resistance in young hypercholesterolaemic subjects, these effects may not be via NO-dependent pathways. Metabolic vasodilation and responses to the NO-mediated vasodilators ACh and SNP were not favourably affected by anti-oxidant or cholesterol-lowering therapy, either alone or in combination.