Pharmacokinetic rules of pramiracetam were studied here. After giving pramiracetam orally to dogs, we drew their blood at various times. The drug concentrations in blood plasma were detected by HPLC. 3p87 program was used to calculate the pharmacokinetic parameters. The time-concentration curve corresponded to one apartment model. T1/2 was about 2.3-3.9 hours in various doses. After pramiracetam was given to rats per os, high concentrations of pramiracetam were detected in the rats' tissues. The kidney had the highest concentration of pramiracetam; the liver had the next highest concentration, and then the intestine, lung, muscle, heart, gonad, spleen and sebum had the high concentration in order. The drug was also detected in the brain. 0.7% of the given dose was excreted in unchanged form in bile in 24 hours. 28.26% and 6.35% were excreted in urine and feces respectively in 72 hours. The plasma protein combining rate detected by the method of balance dialysis was 20.1-22.2%.