A study was conducted to determine whether trichostrongylid nematode larvae become contaminated with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis when they develop in the faeces of sheep with Johne's disease. Nematode larvae were hatched from ova in the faecal samples of affected sheep. Larval sheaths were removed and these as well as exsheathed larvae were subjected to radiometric culture for M. paratuberculosis. The organism was recovered from washing water used to prepare the larvae, third stage larvae and larval sheaths, but not from exsheathed larvae. The recovery of M. paratuberculosis from larvae was associated with the severity of the histological lesions in affected sheep and with the results of culture of the organism from intestinal tissues and faeces. Nematode parasites of sheep might be able to act as mechanical vectors for M. paratuberculosis as the organism associates with infective third stage larvae when these develop in the faeces of sheep with Johne's disease.