The French Society of Clinical Cytology is conducting a study to compare the cost-effectiveness of monolayers and human papillomavirus (HPV) testing with that of conventional Papanicolaou (Pap) smears for cervical cancer screening. The protocol of this study is presented. It includes 3,000 women who will be evaluated by the three methods (conventional Pap smears, or monolayers with or without HPV testing) and by the reference method: colposcopy followed, in cases with abnormalities, by cervical biopsy. Efficacy or performance of the methods will be compared on the basis of sensitivity. Cost comparisons and cost-effectiveness modeling will be based on the costs associated with methods themselves and also the costs of "false positives." This will require specific collection of data concerning the costs of the three methods, as these costs have not previously been accurately documented. Patient recruiting and data collection started in September 1999 and will be complete in June 2000. The first results are expected to be available in spring 2001.
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