This study was addressed to identify kallikrein mRNA and protein in early, preterm, and term human placenta and to evaluate their temporospatial pattern. Kallikrein mRNA was expressed in syncytio/cytotrophoblasts and in the endothelial cells of the floating villi, with a greater intensity in early samples (isolated spontaneous abortions and ectopic pregnancies). Cytotrophoblasts at the base of the anchoring villi, maternal decidua and decidual arteries, endothelial cells of chorionic and basal plate blood vessels, and the amniotic epithelium presented a positive signal. Tissue kallikrein was predominantly observed in syncytiotrophoblasts and had a greater immunoreactivity in first-trimester samples. Intraarterial trophoblasts, blood vessels of the floating villi, basal and chorionic plates, and the amniotic epithelium showed positive immunoreactivity. The sites and variations of the tissue kallikrein mRNA and protein in the human placenta, in different stages of pregnancy, support the hypothesis that this enzyme may participate in the establishment and maintenance of placental blood flow through vasodilation, platelet antiaggregation, cell proliferation, and trophoblast invasion.