This study examines the effects of a proton pump inhibitor on a rat model of duodenogastric reflux. Duodenoesophageal reflux was induced in 60 rats by performing a duodenesophagostomy. The study group received daily intraperitoneal injections of a proton pump inhibitor for 6 months and the control group received an equivalent injection of saline. Rats were examined at death for macroscopic tumor, dysplasia, adenocystic changes, papillomatosis, and adenocarcinoma. Five out of 19 rats in the study group and three out of 20 rats in the control group developed dysplastic/adenocarcinomatous changes. Ten of the rats in the study group died before the end of the study, as opposed to one in the control group (this is not statistically significant). There was no difference in the number of cancers that developed in the two groups. However, there was an insignificant trend to earlier appearance of detectable disease in the study group.