Being the most common childhood tumor to involve the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, craniopharyngioma, a histologically benign tumor, is usually related to growth retardation and hypogonadism. The presentation of precocious puberty is very rare for a hypothalamic craniopharyngioma. Here, we report such a case. The female patient had presented with symptoms of menarche and breast development since she was 6 years old. Hormonal therapy with a gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue was instituted to cease precocious puberty but was unsuccessful. Magnetic resonance imaging of the sella showed a 1-cm tumor in the hypothalamic area. Through a pterional approach, the tumor was removed en bloc with endoscope-assisted microsurgery. After the operation, our patient's symptoms improved, so the hormone therapy was discontinued. This extremely unique association of craniopharyngioma and precocious puberty, the causes and mechanisms involved along with the advantages of endoscope-assisted microsurgery are discussed.
Copyright 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel