To elucidate the differences between the clinical aspects of Chlamydia pneumoniae (C. pn) pneumonia and those of two other atypical pneumonias, Chlamydia psittaci (C. ps) pneumonia and Mycoplasma pneumoniae (M. pn) pneumonia, we analyzed the symptoms and laboratory data on the cases of these three types of pneumonia: 46 cases of C. pn pneumonia, 39 cases of C. ps pneumonia, and 131 cases of M. pn pneumonia. C. pn pneumonia was significantly more frequent among the elderly (mean 70 +/- 16 years, p < 0.01) and patients were significantly more likely to be male (76%, p < 0.05). A white blood cell count of over 10,000 was seen in 46% of C. pn pneumonia cases, a higher proportion than those of C. ps pneumonia (15%, p = 0.03) or M. pn pneumonia (18%, p = 0.006) cases. The proportions of patients with these infections who had an elevated GOT or GPT were not significantly different. Maximum body temperature was higher in M. pn pneumonia than in C. pn pneumonia (p = 0.003). Purulent sputa were seen in 44% of C. pn pneumonia cases and 50% of M. pn pneumonia cases, and these rates were higher than that of 13% in C. ps pneumonia cases (p = 0.002, p = 0.004). Dyspnea and anorexia symptoms were the most frequent in C. pn pneumonia cases (24% and 29%, respectively, the highest of all three pneumonias). There were clinical differences between C. pn pneumonia and the other two atypical pneumonias. However, there was some difficulty in differentiating between C. pn pneumonia and typical bacterial pneumonia because mixed infections were common (24%) in C. pn pneumonia cases.