Rotter's [Psychol. Monogr. 80 (1966)] construct of internal-external control of reinforcement led to the conceptualization of locus of control as a personality construct that can be used to predict behavior. More specific measures of locus of control in particular behavioral domains have followed. In the present study, the Weight Locus of Control Scale (WLOC) was used to predict weight-related attitudes and behaviors of overweight individuals, as well as their responses to health education materials (HEM) on weight loss. The WLOC scores predicted responses to baseline weight-related measures such as etiology of obesity, confidence in weight loss behaviors, and behavioral intention. In addition, WLOC scores predicted participants' reactions to the HEM, as well as the actual number of weight loss ideas from the HEM that the participants tried by the 1-month follow-up assessment. The results are discussed in terms of the validity of the WLOC and implications for future development of effective HEM.