The recent development and refinement of cDNA array and genechip techniques allows for large-scale parallel screening of gene expression and thereby provides a global assessment of molecular events transpiring in cell populations. We hypothesized that such an approach might help illuminate current issues in glioma research. To what degree are glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) cell lines representative of primary GBM tumors? We carried out a gene expression profiling study using cDNA array technology on 10 GBM primary tissues and 3 GBM cell lines. The gene expression levels were quantified, and the within-subject ranks of the gene expression levels were subsequently evaluated by hierarchical clustering analysis, multidimensional scaling analysis, and principal component analysis. Hierarchical cluster analysis shows that the 3 cell lines form one main cluster and the 10 tissue samples form a separate cluster. Multidimensional scaling and principal components analysis provided further graphical demonstration that the cell lines are clearly different from the tissue samples and that the cell lines are more different between themselves than are the tissues.