Laser irradiation as a potential pathogenetic method for immunocorrection in rheumatoid arthritis

Pathophysiology. 2001 Aug;8(1):35-40. doi: 10.1016/s0928-4680(00)00059-6.


We investigated the immunocorrective and clinical effect in 75 rheumatoid patients treated with intravenous laser blood irradiation. A relation between the positive immunotropic (as well as therapeutic) effect and the pre-existent immune status of each patient was revealed. A well-defined effect was found in patients with a low level of CIC and a normal count of functional-competent T-cells. ILIB provided some symptomatic but unstable relief in patients with a high level of CIC and a high functional activity of T-lymphocytes. There was no effect in patients with a high level of CIC and decreased number of lymphocytes.