Contrast agent free time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography (TOF-MRA) was applied to the intraluminal thread occlusion model of experimental stroke in rat. It was combined with perfusion- and diffusion-weighted imaging (PWI and DWI) sequences to correlate occlusion and reopening of the middle cerebral artery with alterations in these well-established magnetic resonance sequences. Since TOF-MRA can be repeated without limitations, the time course of vascular patency is demonstrated during an experimental period of up to 8 h (2 h control, 1 h ischemia, 3-6 h reperfusion). With an acquisition time of 10 min, TOF-MRA proved to be suitable to analyze the vascular state of occlusion and reperfusion repetitively in longitudinal studies. Spatial resolution was sufficient to observe neurovascular structural details. In eight out of 10 animals complete vessel occlusion by the intraluminal thread could be validated by an entirely extinguished signal of the ipsilateral middle cerebral artery (MCA) in the angiograms. This was in accordance with a perfusion deficit in the MCA vascular territory detected by PWI (reduction to 30.4 +/- 7.4% relative to contralateral side) and a disturbance of water ion homeostasis monitored by DWI in this area. One animal showed a delayed occlusion after 30 min of MCA occlusion, in another animal vessel occlusion failed. In seven out of the eight successful occlusion experiments there was immediate reperfusion after withdrawal of the thread. One animal showed a delayed reperfusion after suture retraction. Remarkable hemispheric differences in vascular branching of the MCA could be recognized in three out of 10 animals. In conclusion, TOF-MRA is considered a helpful method to survey even in small laboratory animals the correct time course of vascular occlusion and reopening in experimental ischemia, and provides complementary information to the tissue perfusion status monitored by PWI and the ischemic lesion territory detected by DWI.