Objective: To explore the risk of pregnancy in patients conceived within one year after successful chemotherapy for gestational trophoblastic tumor.
Methods: 22 patients conceived within one year after chemotherapy were followed up and analysed about abnormal pregnant result, wastage rate and the time of interval between chemotherapy and pregnancy.
Results: Among 22 cases, 9 cases were full term birth, 6 cases were wastage. The wastage rate was 27.3%. The wastage rate of these patients conceived within half a year was higher than one year (P < 0.05). 1 repeated hydatidiform mole and one post term choriocarcinoma occurred in 22 patients. They both were conceived within 5 months after chemotherapy.
Conclusions: Preservation of fertility is feasible in patients suffering from choriocarcimona and invasive mole. But these patients should practise contraception at least half a year after chemotherapy, and it's better to advise patients to take contraception for one year.